Student and Parent Bulletin - W/B 20/03/23

Students in Year 9 and above - Cibyl Aspirations Survey - closing date Wednesday 22nd March

Every year we invite you to take part in this online survey about your career aspirations, whether you know what you want to do yet or not. Between now and the closing date, completing the survey could win you a £30 Amazon gift card, a £150 gift card of your choice or and iPad, Apple Pencil and keyboard. The survey is completely anonymous but the school will get a breakdown of the data submitted by FCC students; I will use this data to look at ways of improving the careers programme offered in school. You can complete the survey here.

Please click here to view all the latest careers opportunities for students and information for Parents and Carers.

Dale Manning
Media Studies Curriculum Leader Felpham Community College

Student and Parent Bulletin - W/B 06/03/23